Published in Journal 67 Spring 2011
Pre-war Ferguson Type ‘D’ ridger # 36 (a little like a US Lister), originally used with ‘A’ # 104 (see Vol 4/1) as was the plough. Both were very rusty having stood outside many years. All wearing parts were both worn out and rusted away. Replacement parts came from a David Brown type RLD 2 ridger. Photo A BoormanAndrew’ Boormans ridger refurbished with D-B parts. Original Ferguson parts at front. D-B discs, mouldboards and shares were used on the plough apart from modified Ransomes parts used for landslides. New parts no longer available from manufacturer. Note the marker’s pull chain anchored over the peg. Photo A BoormanThe maker’s plate on the ridger showing type, ‘D’ and # No 36. Pre-war implement plates did not list patent numbers but referred you to the tractor where they were displayed on the dash. Under-beam clearance on pre-war Ferguson ploughs is 2 inches less than later types and a similar amount on other implements. Photo A Boorman
The above photographs of the Type ‘D’ ridger were featured in Vol. 7, No. 2, 1994 of the Ferguson Club Journal