

Published in Journal 67 Spring 2011

Pre-war Ferguson Type ‘D’ ridger # 36 (a little like a US Lister), originally used with ‘A’ # 104 (see Vol 4/1) as was the plough. Both were very rusty having stood outside many years. All wearing parts were both worn out and rusted away. Replacement parts came from a David Brown type RLD 2 ridger. Photo A BoormanAndrew’ Boormans ridger refurbished with D-B parts. Original Ferguson parts at front. D-B discs, mould­boards and shares were used on the plough apart from modified Ransomes parts used for land­slides. New parts no longer available from manufacturer. Note the marker’s pull chain anchored over the peg. Photo A BoormanThe maker’s plate on the ridger showing type, ‘D’ and # No 36. Pre-war implement plates did not list patent numbers but referred you to the tractor where they were displayed on the dash. Under-beam clearance on pre-war Ferguson ploughs is 2 inches less than later types and a sim­ilar amount on other implements. Photo A Boorman

The above photographs of the Type ‘D’ ridger were featured in Vol. 7, No. 2, 1994 of the Ferguson Club Journal