Club Members Area

Introducing the Ferguson Club Members Area

Introducing the Ferguson Club Members Area

From Journal 105, the Summer 2023 issue of the Ferguson Club Journal, the club launched a password protected Ferguson Club Members Area on the website. The purpose is to add value for subscribed Club Members.

Included in the Members Area are the Club Journals and Technical Notes from the Club’s Technical Team, and other technical articles, Club Rules and Constitution and content restricted to club members.  Club Articles restricted to Club Members are indicated by a icon after the article title.

For non-members Journal 100 is available here as a sample of the quality and content of the Club Journals, which are issued four times a year to club members.

An updated Members Area password will be published in each new journal. Once the password has been entered to Login to the Members Area, the password should be remembered by your web browser in a Cookie (see Note: below),. The previous password will be removed from the website around the middle of the month, when all journal recipients should have received their new journal, including overseas subscribers and Login will require the new password from page 1 of the new journal to be entered.

Note on Cookies to remember your password:
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox web browsers remember your password in a Cookie. when you access a passord protected page at the start of each new browsing session, these browsers take you to the Login page, with the saved password already entered in the Password box.

If you have any suggestions about what might be other password protected content for club members, please contact us at

Journal 100 Summer 2022

  Click the top LH button which overlays the LH side with a sub-menu.
  Sub-Menu by default shows a list of thumbnail images
  Click the Sub-Menu 2nd from Left: which shows the Journal Contents
  Click top LH again to close the sub-menu overlaying the LH side of the page.
  Far RH icon a double chevron, has other display options ..
  Presentation Mode is probably the most useful. Press Esc key to return.