Looking for; Ferguson TE20 GPY 606
Please contact James Dixon on jamesdixon24@icloud.com
Please contact James Dixon on jamesdixon24@icloud.com
The above tractor was bought new by me in 1966 – we sold it in 1979 in Aberdeenshire.
We would be very interested to know where it is now, we are aware it last had a V5 issues in Oct 2018
Please contact James Leith with any details ; jswleith@icloud.com
In a nutshell, I have a photograph, taken circa 1954, of a ‘Grey Fergie’ with its then owner in our backyard. We live in what was previously a Victorian smallholding in northern Lincolnshire. As well as details about the former owner and his family, I also have a copy of the sales information for when it was sold on by Briggs & Holmes, Chartered Auctioneers, Brigg for £82.10s.0d (buyer unknown) 1st October 1959. The tractor’s registration is GFU 550. From the information I’ve been able to glean online, it appears that it was first registered 1/1/50 in Maidstone and has had a total of nine keepers in 74 years. A V5C was issued 1/8/24 and so it must still be around. I’m assuming that the present owner would be interested in having a copy of the photograph and information about the tractor’s early history, which I would be happy to provide.
Please contact me on dick.pike@btinternet.com for more details
I found the original handbook for the above tractor the other day. A tractor that we used to own that was bought for an orchard originally. The orchard is long since gone and the tractor was sold years ago, it was in a poor state. Out of curiosity I checked the DVLA website and found it is taxed to January 2025, so it still exists.
I didn’t know if the owner is a member of The Ferguson Club or a member knows the owner and they would like the handbook. If so, I would be happy to post it to them, if they want to contact me.
The tractor was a green narrow petrol model with a creeper (Howard, I believe) gearbox driving the back axle, so slightly unusual I assume. Serial No.144831 (from the handbook).
Roland Hare. My mobile is 07966 337373
or via my e-mail: hare1@xlninternet.co.uk
I have recently found some pictures of Ferguson tractor Registration: FDV 294, taken when it was working on a Devon farm in 1952. Good pics, too – hay harvest mostly. It was then based at Bulkamore farm in Rattery, and owned by Roger Morel, my Great Uncle. The DVLA tells me the tractor is still in active use but the DVLA never supply ownership details, so I’m going through the Ferguson register. Someone must know the owner. If you do, tell them I’d be happy to provide copies of pictures, showing what she was up to 70 years ago when still working and only five years old. (Free, obviously, no payment required!!)
I can be reached at jasper@jasperfforde.com
I have owned an MF35 for around 40 years but no longer use it for work. I would now like to restore it and get it registered for road runs. I would love to retain its original reg VAV 996 but cannot authenticate its original registration. Just hoping someone might remember it!
If you can help, please contact ; David on davidctaylor11@btinternet.com
My family used to be farmers in Church Hougham near Dover in Kent for many many years. As a child I would visit my Great Uncle ‘Chiz’ who took over what was left of the farm. He always had a little grey fergie and we would pop into the shed to sit on it and if we were lucky, start it and I remember the smell so clearly. I vaguely remember a couple of occasions where we got it into the fields for haying. My Great Uncle passed away in 1999 bringing the long line of Bromley farmers to a close and none of the family were in a position at that point to purchase from the estate. As far as I know the Fergie was gifted to one of Chiz’ friends with a small holding in the area. My father passed away in 2020 and Mother in 2021 and Ive been searching for pictures of the Fergie to try and get the reg number to track it down Even more so as in the last couple of years steam rallies and vintage tractors have become much more of a passion. Apologies for the slightly rambling story, but I wonder if I might have some assistance across your membership in locating the Fergie now. From DVLA I can see it is currently taxed and a V5 issued fairly recently, so I know its still alive and kicking somewhere. In my heart of hearts I would dearly love to buy the tractor and bring it back into the family, but a good consolation would be to see it again, knowing it is loved as we loved it.
Reg Mark is LVW 60, attached picture of my late Mother proudly sitting on her from around the late 70s/early 80s; Any assistance is much appreciated. Please email ; Jon Bromley on jb@firelightdpm.com
I am looking for my great grandfathers Ferguson TEF registration number JAV 179. Any information on the tractor would be greatly appreciated. Thanks….Liam ; email ; liam@agrisolutions.co.uk
This was my late fathers MF35 ; I am hoping whoever now owns the tractor is part of the Ferguson Club and may know of its whereabouts. As a young child I grew up with that tractor and (a) id just love to see it again but (b) if the owner was ever to consider selling I would like to be aware so I could put in an offer.
Please contact me on: anthony@katcommunications.co.uk ; Anthony Temperton
“Trying to track down petrol/TVO Fergie, reg no CFB 23. Last seen in Somerset area a number of years ago. If it is for sale, please get in touch!” Many thanks; Nigel Inggs; 07530 326 390 or nigelinggs@gmail.com