Wanted T20 Diesel
Wanted by new 80 year old club member Ferguson t20 diesel.
Email me on mikechadwick@rocketmail.com
Wanted by new 80 year old club member Ferguson t20 diesel.
Email me on mikechadwick@rocketmail.com
– David Meehan <meehandavid61@gmail.com>
He may respond saying he has the part you are looking for; he will be a scammer
Several members looking for tractors and othe ritems have been contacted by ‘David Meehan’ purporting to have the item they are looking for … please take care!
Below is an excerpt from a recent experience of a Club member…
I recently put a wanted add in the wanted section of the website. I received a response by email from someone calling himself Derek Meehan of Izalea Cottage, Central Road, East Riggs, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, DG12 6TB email derekmeehan61@gmail.com, along with a picture of a tractor similar to mine with the attachment I wanted on the back.
We agreed a price including shipping, I was asked to pay the money into his supposed daughters account, being Monica A M Besouro Acc No.xxxxxxx Sort Code xx.xx.xx Lloyds Bank, which I did.
Then the problem started, when the following day he asked me for an extra £200 shipping cost, I told him no further monies would be forth coming so to either ship it for the agreed cost or refund the monies, after several days delaying, I checked with the Club to see if he was a member which he wasn`t. I immediately contacted my Bank who also suspected a scam and at 9pm while still talking to them they agreed to refund my monies which was back in my account the next morning. I know they froze the account I had paid into, as yet I don`t have any further information but I consider it a lucky escape, perhaps my story might help prevent this from happening to any other members, happy for you to publish and I will just have to hide my blushes.
Looking for the following for a 1994 Massey 3665 Left and right side doors Seat Front loader
Dave Ashmore <daveashmore@btopenworld.com>
Lenfield / narrow rear axle for a MF 35 ; may consider a complete tractor for restoration
cantact andrew 07733196507 or email ploughgirl72@gmail.com
I am after TVO Long Push Rods for my MF T20 (1950). Please contact:- – charleswilliamkeyser@gmail.com / 07976124841
Thanks you
I’m after a Ferguson Vineyard or Narrow tractor. A good price will be paid for the right tractor.
Please contact Richard on 07831 150505 or email; richard@rsjtucker.com
Thank you!
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1981 MF565 tractor ; offside rear axle check chain bracket snapped ; Anyone have a replacement local, I’m in North Essex?
Contact ; gavin.edwards1964@gmail.com or 07745121161
I am after a 6 Volt, thick head for a 1950 Te20 running on petrol and paraffin. Please contact Charlie Keyser on 07976124841 or charleswilliamkeyser@gmail.com