Tractor Security
After many phone calls from you, the members of the Ferguson Club, about tractors and implements being stolen asking “what can we do”, I am pleased to say that after many months of working behind the scenes on your behalf, I have managed to source what I think is a great deal currently exclusive for Ferguson Club members – It’s not released for general sale yet!
The company “Tracker” have come to our aid with a Brand New battery powered tracking unit (See photo 1). You do not need to leave your battery connected to your tractor all the time – or, if fitted to an implement (which don’t have batteries). It will still work.
Tracker have provided every Police force in the country with detection systems for their cars, so if a unit is activated (alarmed), when it gets in range of a Police car their tracker finder will ping, alerting the officers of a stolen tractor in their range wherever it is, even if its in a covered vehicle or building.
The unit is attached to our tractor “Hidden away”, but with a small lead to it (so we can charge its battery once a year via this lead), it has its own internal battery which has a five year life guaranteed.
The unit works via a fob (see picture 2). If this is within 10 metres of the tractor it can be moved without a problem. If the fob is not in range the system will contact a call centre – which will set off an Alarm. Tracker personnel will phone you , the registered owner, asking if you are moving the tractor and if you are then they will de activate it. If you are not – then it will be put on the system for any Police vehicle to trace. (All this takes ten minutes- subject to you answering your phone or if you miss two calls it will go “active”).
The fob only needs to be in your pocket for the system to know you are allowed to move the vehicle, if you put your tractor on a trailer and have the fob in your pocket no problem.
The cost retail is £361, but Ferguson Club members will be able to get the unit for £199.00 plus there is a yearly monitoring fee:
1 year subscription £99 including VAT (should be £179)
3 year subscription £249 including VAT, (should be £449)
5 year subscription £399 including VAT – Not available to the general public.
Just Call James (07764 254740 ) at Tracker and use the code Ferguson Club AD1290 for the discount. I’m having one these units on trial on my vintage kit – I have to know it will work! (bet it was free –Editor)
I have looked at other security devices: some are just painted markings (OK it is very special paint) and it won’t just scrape off. Another is having security codes stamped into the tractor’s parts. All seem to be within a few pounds of each other – so it’s a case of paying your money and taking a chance.
Mr Peter Aston will have a Tracker unit for you to look at so look out for the Ferguson Clubs Sales stand.
Alan Dunderdale DVLA Liaison Officer.