Newark Show

The Newark Vintage Tractor Show
November 8th-10th 2018

Success again for the Lincolnshire area of the Ferguson Club winning best group stand at the show. Thanks go to Malcolm Robinson for nominating us for this award.

Thank you to all club members and wives for help setting up on Friday manning the stand all weekend and taking down Sunday night, to the chairman, vice chairman and all area reps far and wide for their help and support on the stand. Special thanks to Peter Aston for bringing displays and manning the merchandise stall and signing up new members. To Judy for her floral displays of pots and buckets which enhance the look of the stand and play a functional role, also her wonderful Armistice Sunday Centenary Display. To David for serving tea/coffee and the generosity of the visitors resulting in £178 in the pot for John and Judy to present to Macmillan Cancer Care. Thank you to members who brought tractors and implements to display on the stand, it was a bonus when we finished up with a winner on the stand Chris Turner from South Yorkshire with his 1955 TEF 20.

John, Nigel and myself spent most of Saturday judging which is a hard day due to the standard of restorations but one we all enjoy. This year we had the best entry of Ferguson implements ever both on and off the stand the winner being the original mk1 three ton tipping trailer owned by Colin Taylor, commiserations to all you runners up.

Overall it was a good show and a great weekend for the club and the visitors.
Regards John Sharpe.